Introdução: Os dípteros muscóides apresentam grande importância em medicinaveterinária e saúde pública por serem carreadores de patógenos e causadores de miíases. O uso de inseticidas químicos tem sido utilizado atualmente como principal método de controle dessas moscas, são altamente eficazes, mas podem causar danos ao meio ambiente, aos animais domésticos e aos seres humanos. Uma forma alternativa a este tipo de controle são os bioinseticidas, produzidos a partir de metabólitos secundários de plantas, os quais são rapidamente degradados no meio, minimizando riscos à saúde. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de extratos etanólicos de folhas e de sementes de Moringa oleifera sobre o desenvolvimento pós-embrionário de C. putoria. Material e métodos: Para os testes foram utilizadas larvas recém eclodidas (L1) tratadas com diferentes concentrações de extratos etanólicos de sementes e de folhas de M. oleifera (5 mg/L, 10 mg/L, 25 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 75 mg/L e 100 mg/L). Foram utilizadas 3 réplicas (30 (L1)) para cada concentração, um grupo controle (sem substância) e um grupo controle com DMSO. As larvas recém eclodidas foram tratadas topicamente com a solução com o auxílio da pipeta, sendo usado 1μL/neolarva. Os parâmetros analisados foram o peso das larvas maduras (L3), duração do período larval, pupal e da fase de neolarva a adulto, assim como a viabilidade dos estágios de desenvolvimento, e a razão sexual. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que os extratos de folhas e de sementes de M. oleifera causaram efeitos semelhantes em todas as concentrações testadas, atrasando o desenvolvimento pós-embrionário e reduzindo o peso larval. Quanto a mortalidade, no período de neolarva a adulto as concentrações de 50, 75 e 100 mg/L dos extratos de folhas e de sementes de M. oleifera se mostraram eficazes, matando acima de 20%. O controle sem/com DMSO não apresentaram mortes em nenhum dos estágios pós-embrionários. Conclusão: Os extratos de folhas e de sementes de M. oleifera se mostraram uma alternativa viável para o controle da mosca da espécie C. putoria.
Como Citar
Terto, A. B. S. da S., Dos Santos, J. A. A., Caetano, R. L., da Silva, . C. C., & Pinto, Z. T. (2021). AVALIAÇÃO DA ATIVIDADE BIOINSETICIDA DE EXTRATOS ETANÓLICOS DE FOLHAS E DE SEMENTES DE Moringa oleifera (MORINGACEAE) SOBRE O DESENVOLVIMENTO PÓS-EMBRIONÁRIO DE Chrysomya putoria (DIPTERA: CALLIPHORIDAE) EM LABORATÓRIO. Revista Multidisciplinar Em Saúde, 2(1), 2. https://doi.org/10.51161/rems/683
ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT o.submission_id, MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line 132, file: DAO.inc.php
DAO.retrieveCached(SELECT o.submission_id, MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2], 3600) % line 91, file: ArticleSearchDAO.inc.php
ArticleSearchDAO.getPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, , 500, 1) % line 201, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line 146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line 194, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line 146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line 132, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line 263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch.retrieveResults(Object:Request, Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, null, Object:DBResultRange, Array[1]) % line 92, file: RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.inc.php
RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.callbackTemplateArticlePageFooter(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 107, file: HookRegistry.inc.php
HookRegistry.call(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 1267, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
PKPTemplateManager.smartyCallHook(Array[1], Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 43, file: 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101^1c372c95cd85572e0fbc9a53d0323a0b229cfc78_0.app.frontendpagesarticle.tpl.php
content_6781613650b432_13896783(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 123, file: smarty_template_resource_base.php
Smarty_Template_Resource_Base.getRenderedTemplateCode(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 114, file: smarty_template_compiled.php
Smarty_Template_Compiled.render(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 216, file: smarty_internal_template.php
Smarty_Internal_Template.render(false, 1) % line 232, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase._execute(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null, 1) % line 134, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null) % line 924, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
PKPTemplateManager.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl) % line 292, file: ArticleHandler.inc.php
ArticleHandler.view(Array[1], Object:Request) % line 391, file: PKPRouter.inc.php
PKPRouter._authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array[2], Object:Request, Array[1], false) % line 231, file: PKPPageRouter.inc.php
PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line 143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line 281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line 68, file: index.php
ADOConnection.CacheExecute(3600, SELECT o.submission_id, MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2]) % line 132, file: DAO.inc.php
DAO.retrieveCached(SELECT o.submission_id, MAX(s.context_id) AS journal_id, MAX(i.date_published) AS i_pub, MAX(p.date_published) A..., Array[2], 3600) % line 91, file: ArticleSearchDAO.inc.php
ArticleSearchDAO.getPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, , 500, 1) % line 201, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[1], , null, null, 500, 1) % line 146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], , null, null, 500, 1) % line 194, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedPhraseResults(Object:Journal, Array[4], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line 146, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedKeywordResults(Object:Journal, Array[3], null, null, null, 500, 1) % line 132, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch._getMergedArray(Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null) % line 263, file: SubmissionSearch.inc.php
SubmissionSearch.retrieveResults(Object:Request, Object:Journal, Array[1], null, null, null, Object:DBResultRange, Array[1]) % line 92, file: RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.inc.php
RecommendBySimilarityPlugin.callbackTemplateArticlePageFooter(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 107, file: HookRegistry.inc.php
HookRegistry.call(Templates::Article::Footer::PageFooter, Array[3]) % line 1267, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
PKPTemplateManager.smartyCallHook(Array[1], Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 43, file: 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101^1c372c95cd85572e0fbc9a53d0323a0b229cfc78_0.app.frontendpagesarticle.tpl.php
content_6781613650b432_13896783(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 123, file: smarty_template_resource_base.php
Smarty_Template_Resource_Base.getRenderedTemplateCode(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 114, file: smarty_template_compiled.php
Smarty_Template_Compiled.render(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template) % line 216, file: smarty_internal_template.php
Smarty_Internal_Template.render(false, 1) % line 232, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase._execute(Object:Smarty_Internal_Template, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null, 1) % line 134, file: smarty_internal_templatebase.php
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl, null, 42362804174f266c598cdb32c3208fc745b92101, null) % line 924, file: PKPTemplateManager.inc.php
PKPTemplateManager.display(frontend/pages/article.tpl) % line 292, file: ArticleHandler.inc.php
ArticleHandler.view(Array[1], Object:Request) % line 391, file: PKPRouter.inc.php
PKPRouter._authorizeInitializeAndCallRequest(Array[2], Object:Request, Array[1], false) % line 231, file: PKPPageRouter.inc.php
PKPPageRouter.route(Object:Request) % line 143, file: Dispatcher.inc.php
Dispatcher.dispatch(Object:Request) % line 281, file: PKPApplication.inc.php
PKPApplication.execute() % line 68, file: index.php
Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/editoraime/public_html/revistas/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/adodb.inc.php on line 2067
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Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/editoraime/public_html/revistas/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/adodb.inc.php on line 2067
Notice: Deprecated call to Smarty2 function get_template_vars in /home/editoraime/public_html/revistas/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 1930
Notice: Deprecated call to Smarty2 function get_template_vars in /home/editoraime/public_html/revistas/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 1930
Notice: Deprecated call to Smarty2 function get_template_vars in /home/editoraime/public_html/revistas/lib/pkp/classes/template/PKPTemplateManager.inc.php on line 1930